That little light of hers ... she made it shine, shine, shine.
Created by hpaganetti 12 years ago
At our 20th reunion,I spoke to her of our long-deceased classmate, Dick Valerio.Cynthia shared with me how she met and befriended his two sons when she worked at Wallace High School. The boys knew nothing positive about their father and had not even seen a picture. She told them every great story she could remember and shared pictures of their handsome daddy. She probably changed their lives and how they thought of themselves. Whenever life afforded Cynthia the opportunity to be love she came through.Sometimes God shines through an individual brillantly as He did through Cynthia. The angels made an especially good soul when they helped create her. Must also admit, I enjoyed the very human part of her too, and the naughtiness in which we participated, at age 14 or age 64! Blessesd to have called her a friend.