Linda Hopkins

Created by lindakae1234 12 years ago
After our first babies were born(Heather and Brenda) Cynthia and I came up with a real scam.At large family dinner parties we would disappear to Mark's old bedroom after dinner to soothe our fussy babies, they were usually asleep. If Ellen or the Aunts ever caught on to us they never said anything.We had such a great time talking and laughing.Once the dishes were done and everything was all nice and clean Cynthia and I would emerge just in time for desert! Cynthia and I shared many confidences over the years,deep secrets. We have never betrayed each others trust. Who would have believed two such "goofs" could be such trustworthy friends. I will smile every time I think of Cynthia and the great times we shared as sister-in -laws and friends.